Up Your energy, now!


Winter is here, up your Energy for success!!! Here are some tips to up boost your energy levels:

1- Think positive; focus on positive thoughts and actions. Every day, record three successes, regardless of how small they were, and three things for which you are grateful.

energy-now-DM2- Free time, build some free time into your schedule and safeguard it. This is time to tidy up, catch up or simply stop and be.

3- Allow thinking time in a quiet space, from 15-30 minutes to surface and organize your thoughts as need be.

4- Plan to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early for meetings and appointments. (to avoid last minute rush and pressure) You can use the time to review your day, relax, build relationships etc…

5- Energy boosters: whatever you enjoy playing an instrument, exercising, learning. Choose an activity that will fully engage you.

6- Aim for progress rather than perfection.

7- Clear any clutter in your work or home space that drains your energy.

8- Connect with someone that matters to you. (it might be a quick telephone call or an exchange via social media).

9- Set some goals- we feel better when we are making progress toward clear goals, which are worthwhile for us.

10- Ask for help in the area where you are feeling stuck or lacking in progress.

By involving other and even simply asking for help, you will feel the benefits of increased energy.

(By Rodrigo Baak)